folderview as default for all users

adrelanos adrelanos at
Mon Dec 10 20:30:29 UTC 2012


I, as a distro developer (Whonix), want to make folderview the default
for all users. (Right click on desktop -> Desktop Settings -> Layout ->
Folder View) (I don't care if people change it later.)

The distro is based on Debian. I am replacing the original
/usr/share/kde4/apps/plasma-desktop/init/00-defaultLayout.js. The file
originally looks like:



for (var i = 0; i < screenCount; ++i) {
    var activity = new Activity = i18n("Desktop")
    desktop.screen = i
    desktop.wallpaperPlugin = 'image'
    desktop.wallpaperMode = 'SingleImage'

    //Create more panels for other screens
    if (i > 0){
        var panel = new Panel
        panel.screen = i
        panel.location = 'bottom'
        panel.height = panels()[i].height = screenGeometry(0).height >
1024 ? 35 : 27
        var tasks = panel.addWidget("tasks")
        tasks.writeConfig("showOnlyCurrentScreen", true);


I am changing 'var activity = new Activity' to 'var activity = new
Activity("folderview");'. That's it. Minor change.

Is there a better way than replacing the file?

Stacking the kde configuration files somehow? It didn't work for me.
/etc/environment sets: 'KDEDIRS=/usr/local/share/whonix/kde/' and I
placed the patched 00-defaultLayout.js into the stacked kde
configuration folder. I.e.

Output of 'kde4-config --path data' is:

                            /usr/local/share/whonix/kde/apps/ does not
appear in th output of kde4-config --path data.

Why not?

Any idea why it's not working?

Is my approach good or is there are more correct way to do it?


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