IconTasks taskmanager changes
Craig Drummond
Craig.Drummond at gmx.net
Thu Oct 27 11:16:25 UTC 2011
> > The only
> > cases where IconTasks will not create a launcher, where current taskbar
> > may, is when no desktop file is present. But I dont see this as that big
> > a deal.
> .. and that is the regression. you can't start with "it isn't a
> regression"
> and then end with "it regresses the current behaviour". it's a
> contradiction.
It /changes/ the current behaviour, not sure I'd call it a regression - but that's just nit-picking.
> a better approach might be to get the command line associated with a
> window.
> this can be done using the _NET_WM_PID property on x11
IconTasks *already* does this. It doesn't use libprocesscore, as I was not aware of this - it reads "/proc", so this probably needs updating/fixing.
Please have a look at IconTasks' TaskItem::launcherUrl()
> to cover the wine and kcmshell4 cases, we probably will need to create a
> whitelist of apps to handle specially and then (and yes, i know this is
> not
> elegant but ugly since it means hardcoding for reality) handling those
> specially. e.g. if we find our unfindable command line starts with
> "kcmshell"
> then we need to look not in Applications but in ServiceTypes=KCModule.
> we should be able to do a lot (even if a bit ugly in places) to prevent
> showing the "pick the .desktop file" to the user exept in exceptional
> cases.
I had not considered kcmshell - not really sure if that is actually 'pinnable'
But I do agree that for some apps, workarounds will be required. Hence IconTasks has a taskmanagerrc file that has some work-around settings.
> > So in this regard, the matching, etc, *is* better.
> >
> > The only current regression would be for existing launchers that have
> > their details embedded in the config file (as I said this happens for
> > system settings).
> right, and we can avoid such a regression.
I can convert the embedded config into a fake launcherUrl, so that existing config works. However, I do not agree with embedding this stuff in the config for future launchers. Currently when System Settings is pinned, the launcher has the title "Systemsettings" and not "System Settings", as this is the class name, and no other details are shown in the tooltip.
> > But this could probably be resolved by using an
> > internal launcher URL that points to the embedded details.
> or, at least in the case of control panels, we can actually find the
> .desktop
> file.
But how? How would I find the launcher for "kcmshell4 fonts colors"??? For the simple case of 1 kcm, then it would be doable. But then this is inconsistent - we can pin one, but not all. I cant imagine many people pinning kcm's. In fact the current taskbar is broken for these, as kcmshell is pinned - but you cannot start this byitself. So, it creates a launcher that does nothing.
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