Akonadi Calendar

David Narvaez david.narvaez at computer.org
Thu Oct 27 10:50:46 UTC 2011

On Sat, Oct 15, 2011 at 6:09 AM, David Narvaez
<david.narvaez at computer.org> wrote:
> Hi all, sorry for the cross posting,
> I was about to work on fixes in the calendar events dataengine dealing with
> the Akonadi calendar support, and found this README[0] explaining a
> migration plan for the dataengine into Akonadi, etc. I wonder what's the
> status of that migration: if it's already in progress (and needs any help)
> or if it's still pending. Also, what would be the status of fixes to that
> feature? First fix in kdepimlibs and then port to the copied code in
> calendar dataengine? Or should fixes be frozen while the migration happens?

So after 12 days without an answer I'm assuming:

1) No one is taking care of that migration
2) There's no freeze to fix bugs on that code

I assume we are now too close to the freezes to try any drastic move,
but can we plan for November to pick this topic up? I could take care
of the migration if someone tells me how files should end up
structured in Akonadi.

David E. Narváez

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