IconTasks taskmanager changes

Craig Drummond craig.drummond at gmx.net
Wed Oct 26 16:24:08 UTC 2011

On 26/10/11 15:59, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> On Wednesday, October 26, 2011 15:13:02 Craig Drummond wrote:
>> Then you simply cannot pin the application to the taskbar. Is that such a
>> big deal?
> it would be a regression with no justifiable argument for why it should
> regress.
> a good exercise is to imagine explaining it to a user why that one entry
> couldn't be added.

Its not really a regression. Currently the existing taskbar cannot 
create a launcher for LibreOffice - whereas IconTasks can. The only 
cases where IconTasks will not create a launcher, where current taskbar 
may, is when no desktop file is present. But I dont see this as that big 
a deal.
> additionally, for the corner cases where nothing can be done (due to not being
> able to locate the executable in some fasion) we may wish to simply disable
> the action.
Well how would I know nothing can be done? Just because the automatic 
matching did not work, doesn't mean that the app's desktop file is not 
installed. For instance, for wine apps IconTasks will *always* prompt 
for the user to select the app - as there, currently, is no easy way to 
determine this. (The existing taskbar creates a launcher for 'wine', and 
not the windows app)

So in this regard, the matching, etc, *is* better.

The only current regression would be for existing launchers that have 
their details embedded in the config file (as I said this happens for 
system settings). But this could probably be resolved by using an 
internal launcher URL that points to the embedded details.


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