IconTasks taskmanager changes

Craig Drummond Craig.Drummond at gmx.net
Wed Oct 26 13:06:04 UTC 2011

> I think it's great that you want to bring back your changes :-) And 
> given the positive feedback I have heard for your tasks implementation I 
> would  like to see this in 4.8, so yes please add it to the feature 
> plan.

OK, I'll add both to the feature plan later. But the library changes would take precedence.

> > 2. When 'pinning' an app to the taskbar where the taskmanager cannot
> > determine the desktop file (as happens even for System Settings!), 
> > the
> > existing taskmanager embeds a copy of the tasks icon, and other
> > details, into the plasma config file. Icon Tasks instead will prompt
> > the user to select the app from the list of installed applications.
> That sounds reasonable, though the best solution would be to fix the 
> mapping, but that might be a frameworks task (what I have in mind is a 
> _KDE_NET_WM_DESKTOP_FILE property which is set on the window 
> automatically)

That would be great, would make things *much* easier.

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