Any Plasma UI experts available for some team work?

Kevin Krammer kevin.krammer at
Mon Oct 3 16:34:19 UTC 2011

Hi workspace people,

part of the 4.7 changes is email becoming available as a service instead of 
being bound to specific applications.

The application previously the only master of sending and receiving mails, 
KMail, is obviously still equipped with the necessary facilties to do its job.

However, since this is no longer a tight coupling the other way around, it 
would IMHO greatly improve our workspace experience if we could control and 
monitor email exchange through workspace components.

I could try to implement something myself, but I am not very good at nice UI, 
yet alone fancy UI :)

So I was wondering if any person(s) with Plasma UI skills would be available 
to work as a team, i.e. me writing whatever Akonadi interaction code, data 
engine, etc. would be needed and someone else doing the user facing stuff.

My, probably naive, idea is to do something similar to the device notifier 
applet, i.e. something that shows the mail related agents and their basic 
status in a popup, expanding on click and having actions like "toggle 
offline/online" available from there.

If anyone is interested, please let me know.
I am subscribed here on plasma-devel or of course also via personal mail.


Kevin Krammer, KDE developer, xdg-utils developer
KDE user support, developer mentoring
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