The future of Power Management - together with Activities

Dario Freddi drf54321 at
Sun Oct 2 21:39:11 UTC 2011

2011/10/2 Scott Kitterman <kde at>:
> On Sunday, October 02, 2011 08:37:58 PM Dario Freddi wrote:
>> On Sunday 02 October 2011 20:31:37 Martin Gräßlin wrote:
>> > And that's now exactly the point: if you don't have any clue about what
>> > is happening your "I want to save power and  not let the computer
>> > decide" might be much worse than what the computer would do.
>> No matter how many times I will quote this bit, it will never be enough.
> Most of the time, as you've said, manual adjustments to power management
> settings are to avoid having the computer try to save power, not to try and to
> a better job.  The only time I think I can do a better job is when I actually
> turn hardware off (like bluetooth and wifi) that I know I'm not going to be
> using.
> To pick, what is for me a real life example, when I'm on an airplane, I know I
> don't want bluetooth, I (almost always) don't want wifi, the ethernet port
> could be powered down, etc.  Most of these are things that power management
> doesn't current deal with, but I could envision (sort of) a airplane mode
> activity that would shut these things off, but then I wonder about what I am
> doing on the airplane (what activity I am engaged in) and it could be almost
> anything:
>  - watching a movie
>  - coding
>  - compiling
>  - reading/writing email
>  - writing other documents
>  - etc
> So what does how I might want to save power relate to my activity?  I still
> don't understand why having power management things moved from power
> management to this activity thing that I've never found a use for is going to
> help me.  Make it possible to do whatever you want with activities, I think
> makes complete sense.  Making it the only way to do it, I don't understand.
> The concepts are orthogonal.

I will reparse again a question nobody has answered yet: what´s the
difference with creating a profile and an activity, if you REALLY
think you need such a thing?

> Scott K

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