The future of Power Management - together with Activities
Andras Mantia
amantia at
Sun Oct 2 18:09:00 UTC 2011
On Sunday, October 02, 2011 14:45:58 Dario Freddi wrote:
> > That was one example. Another example brought up is e.g switching of
> > strigi or nepomuk indexing when switching to a power saving profile.
> > These two are something that usually kick in when you are in idle
> > mode, exactly when the battery power could be saved. Of course,
> > with good default profiles this can be solved.
> Absolutely not. Where did you read that, and most of all, how can
> profiles help you here, since there is no way for configuring that?
> If they are using Solid's way for determining if they can consume
> resources (and they are), they turn off automagically when on
> battery.
No way now, but why we shouldn't have such a configuration? This would
exactly improve power saving by letting the cpu more in idle mode.
If we look at the big picture of KDE and think about integration, this
is exactly a case where it makes sense to control multiple pieces of the
software stack from one single place without user intervention. The user
asks to save power the the desktop will try to achieve this with all
possible means. I know this is not really about what your original mail
is about, but it is something that might belong into the power
management profiles.
> > What I said that I might manually need to switch to a different
> > profile independent of what the battery power *currently* is and
> > without switching my workflow/applications. Because I know in
> > advance (before the software can find this out from the battery
> > level dropping down) how much time I need the computer running.
> But apparently you don't know what it takes to save power.
Do I have to really know? I just want to save power. And do that
whenever I want, not when the computer decides. Thats the whole point.
> I will quote myself from another mail: the main job for a policy
> daemon is to PREVENT power management when the user is working, and
> that's exactly the use case for activities: while you are doing
> something, you don't want to be interrupted by extreme powersaving,
> such as dimming the screen in 30 seconds.
Sincerely, the preventing part is news to me and probably to most users.
Anyway, there is no point of arguing more, what I wanted to say, I did,
what you wanted to say, you did, you are the coder, draw the conclusion
from the thread and implement the feature.
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