Media Query: KDE's Support For Android Tablets

Swapnil Bhartiya swapnil.bhartiya at
Tue Nov 22 10:44:38 UTC 2011

Hi Aaron,

I have been trying to reach you but just can't get hold of you at all. 
Thus posting it here.

I represent and I am working on a story about Android 
support in Linux. While Gnome can detect and mount the Android 3.x +
tablets, allowing users to drag/drop content to the tablets and crate
folders (it can't see content inside folders). So, at least a user can
copy content -- movie/music to the tablet.

On the contrary KDE mounts it as a Camera and can't see content on the
tablet, can create folders and can't drag/drop or paste content in the
tablet which makes it hard for a user to use KDE to manage tablets.

What is the reason KDE can't mounts Android Honeycomb tablets which use
MTP? With increasing use of tablets, what is the KDE team doing to fix
this problem?

Sapnil Bhartiya

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