Krunner Katch-22

David Baron d_baron at
Sun Nov 13 15:43:22 UTC 2011

There are two ways of getting actions into a runner: As a dropdown from the 
"configure" icon on the right or as action-icons over the subtext area. Ne'er 
the twain do meet.

As a drop down, the app remains visible, one has text available (tooltips do 
not work!) but one does not have access to match data.

As activities, one has the data. There are not textual clues and tooltips do 
not work. As soon as one of the activity choices is done, the app closes.

Is there any way to keep the app open (or even rerun the matches)? An activity 
might want to inspect properties of a file which I might want to open 
afterwards. This is certainly not a kludgy hack to want to accomplish. Re-
running searches might be wanted after refining the options without having to 
start over.

How might these be accomplished?

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