questions about "remote web services"

Jérôme Pigeot j.pigeot at
Wed May 18 15:36:38 CEST 2011


I would like to write a youtube player plasmoid (simple search form and
video view), like does minitube (
The plan is to write the applet in QML/JS
What is more problematic for me is writing the dataengine : i've some lack
to understand how it really works.

Imagine the plasmoid making a request with the word "soccer":
  - it must query the dataengine with the keyword
  - the dataengine must query the youtube api for that request with that url
  - the dataengine will deserialize the XML/ATOM stream to convert it into
  - the source will be now available via a connection in the applet

Some questions about that:

If the search get a certain number of videos, how do you integrate it in the
dataengine??? and then in the applet??
The dataengine will just give infos to the applet : url of the video,
image... that means the applet needs a to get the data via KIO??

and more generally:

What is the "recommanded" language to write dataengines??
Is it better to separate the dataengine and the applet sources or place them
in the same "package"???

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