A couple of questions about QML Plasma bindings

Diego Casella ([Po]lentino) polentino911 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 18 22:54:46 CET 2011

Hello guys,
as you should've seen in my latest posts in planetkde, I'm working on a
plasmoid version of the standard KMix applet.
I coded it in QML and of course I've taken advantage of the Plasma QML
bindings (they _really_ rocks!!), and now I've got some questions for you:

* I want to give a more elegant and pleasant look to KMix applet, and I need
to access the monochrome svg audio-* icons, but I have no idea about how to
do it.
  In C++ this is veeeery easy: a simple call
to Plasma::Theme::defaultTheme()->imagePath(svg) and, if the returned path
is not empty I can use it, otherwise I will fallback to
  the standard icon. So, is it possible to expose something similar to the
existing QML Theme component?

* I'd like to show a tooltip when the applet is collapsed into an icon in
the panel but, still, there are no QML bindings to Plasma::ToolTipContent
and ToolTipManager classes.
  Is there any chances to get it exposed to QML?

Anyways, awesome job with the QML/Plasma integration, it's impressive!

H: Who is Watson without Sherlock Holmes?
G: Watson was a genius in his own right.

My personal blog: http://polentino911.wordpress.com/
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