plasma dataengine question

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Wed Mar 16 08:24:02 CET 2011

On Wednesday, March 16, 2011, Farhad Hedayati-Fard wrote:
> there is another problem here! I've inherited from Plasma::PackageStructure
> (Just like comic_package in comic dataengine)... but I still can't install
> my translator plugin with plasmapkg:
> Could not find a suitable installer for package of type Plasma/Translator

firstly, what language are your addons written in? are they also in 
javascript, like the comic engine?  

in any case, to let plasmapkg know about Plasma/Translator packages, there 
needs to either be a plasma package plugin (C++) installed, which is what the 
comic DataEngine (among others) do. in the comic engine, see:


if your plugins are javascript and your datengine and plugins don't need 
access to anything more than http or other facilities provided by the 
javascript bindings, then you could write your DataEngine in Javascript as 
well and you get addons for free. for an example of that see:


> though! (there is no good tutorial on plasma packages too! at least I
> couldn't find any in techbase!)

you're right, there isn't. another bit fo docuemtnation that needs writing.

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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