QML model with image and text per element

Shaun Reich predator106 at gmail.com
Sun Jun 26 19:59:56 CEST 2011

On Sun, Jun 26, 2011 at 1:26 PM, Marco Martin <notmart at gmail.com> wrote:
> all depends on... exactly what do you have as available data in the
> model/dataengine? and what you could put?

I have the sources I mentioned, a qstringlist of the full names of the
users..a list of the user's "short-name" (unix login), as well as a
list for the user icons/images themselves. The part that I need help
on, is associating all of them together (since they're really
linked...I mean..you can't just associate a random user's image with a
random name, naturally). Except I have to associate them in a way
that's nicely accessible from a qml model..

> better way to me is having a field called image, icon, thubnail or whatever
> makes sense directly in the dataengine, what problems do you have to do so?

Hm? I'm not sure what you're asking. The data is of course, in the
dataengine. I'm basically asking how to nicely group the
aforementioned data together for easy displaying in qml.

Shaun Reich,
KDE Software Developer (kde.org)

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