Self-introduction: GSoC student (Fedora Project) working on Plasma PackageKit integration

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at
Sun Jun 19 14:57:38 CEST 2011

Thomas Olsen wrote:
> This sounds great. Last year I wanted to make something like this myself
> [1] only just for scripted DataEngines via OCS, but due to personal
> circumstancies I was unable to procede with the project.

To support fetching dependencies from OCS, we will need not only a way to 
handle dependencies (which I'm working on), but also some way to know what 
OCS entry provides the data engine "foo". For distribution packages, 
PackageKit can do the lookup for us (with minor changes which I can base on 
already existing code), but for OCS packages, we probably also need some 
work done on the OCS side. We'd also have to try both OCS and PackageKit if 
we don't know where a dependency can be found.

        Kevin Kofler

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