determine default theme for plasma

Shaun Reich predator106 at
Sun Jul 10 02:45:03 CEST 2011

I'm having some pretty annoying issues with kdm-plasma.

For some reason my plasma theme is using a black theme, instead of
what it should be (air), and there is no wallpaper. Apparently this
seems to work properly on someone else's machine(at least, the
wallpaper does), but not mine. I don't really see any config files
going anywhere for kdm, either. I tried doing
Plasma::Theme::default()->setThemeName("default") or something to that
effect, but that's no good. Odd thing is it worked at one point, but
then (I don't remember changing anything related to it).

Also going to get a javascript engine up and running sometime...

Shaun Reich,
KDE Software Developer (

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