tasks engine with currentappcontrol plasmoid

Marco Martin notmart at gmail.com
Sun Jan 9 14:43:45 CET 2011

On Sunday 09 January 2011, Onur-Hayri Bakici wrote:
> Hi
> I recently came accross the currentappcontrol plasmoid, where it uses
> KWindowInfo and KWindowSystem to get all windows that are displayed in
> taskbar. Moreover is the counting of running applications not quite
> correct. Anyways i am corious why this does not get the running tasks
> information from the tasks engine. And would it not make sense to get the
> window information from there (e. g. when it comes to maximizing the
> window).
> I know you could argue against it with "never touch a running system", but
> imo it makes the code cleaner and you could maybe add more features
> quickly.

I think it's older than the tasks engine and yes, you are welcome to convert 
it if you can make it work the same.

Marco Martin

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