[GSOC] Home automation

Marco Martin notmart at gmail.com
Sat Feb 19 19:51:06 CET 2011

On Saturday 19 February 2011, Marsollier Robin wrote:
> Hi,
> I am a French student in 4th year of university cycle, I aim for next year
> to integrate acedemic training of home automation in Rennes.

this sounds very good :)

> I am currently talking with folks of Domogik¹, a free home automation
> server.

ok, so all the actual backend stuff is almost there from what i gather?
what you would do is basically a set of ui bits that display 
informations/control devices exposed by such server.

> Do you think it could be possible with the plasma technologies and what do
> you think about this idea in general ?
> I am not aware of other implementation of the concept I have exposed and I
> know that would be very innovative and with some work of reflexion, but
> that's a part of what attracks me.

I think Plasa would be quite perfect for an user interface of such a project 
(just quickly thinking about it, dataengines, remote widgets, qml plasmoids 
seem exactly the perfect match)

> I will join you on IRC in coming days, i couldn't for the moment but I
> wanted anymay to expose my idea and collect some opinions.

looking forward to it :)

on the parts that are most in the backend stuff, and for testing with actual 
hardware i fear you would be a bit on your own (but you seem to be already 
expert of it ;)) for all the ui work, how to do a plasma shell around it, we 
will be very happy to help

Marco Martin

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