multiscreen fix

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Tue Feb 15 20:36:02 CET 2011

hi all...

it is currently impossible for me to even try to fix this multiscreen issue 
which has re-surfaced in 4.6.0:

all of my monitors are packed in boxes or otherwise gone in preparation of my 
impending move.

it would be great if someone could take this one on. it shouldn't even be that 
difficult. the important bits are:

* the lastscreen values in plasma-desktoprc

* the code in plasma/desktop/shell/panelview.cpp around getting the right last 
size and adaption to whatever the new current size is. putting some debug 
outpot in the PanelView constructor where it is reading in the last seen size, 
getting the current screen size, making sure that pinchContainment is getting 
called with the correct screen rect, etc...

i pushed some changes there for 4.6 which fixed some issues as confirmed by 
opensuse users. however, it seems a regression also made its way in. :( with 
some basic testing, the cause should show up pretty quickly as the code paths 
are rather limited (thankfully :).

it would be very good to have this fixed for 4.6.1 ...

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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KDE core developer sponsored by Qt Development Frameworks
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