the next step on the desktop

Jeffery MacEachern j.maceachern at
Fri Feb 4 10:38:29 CET 2011

>> i don't think there's been a lot of critical thinking about dock usage.
>> in   fact, the mac dock was roundly criticized when it came out by
>> usability folks.   i'm not dead set against a dock, but i am against
>> doing something because it's   a trend. and with docks, that's what we
>> have here.
> I'm really, really against docks. Mac has constructed their complete workflow around the dock system. Their window system supports it - our dosn't. The best we can get is a bad copy and we can do better. Let's not copy the dock but make tasks bar better.

Aside from any notions of "copying" or otherwise, I don't believe that
any design is Perfect, and so even if a dock was good and desirable,
I'd prefer to see if KDE can innovate and produce something better

  - Jeffery MacEachern

> Cheers
> Martin

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