Add multiple feeds to rssnow (Qml) plasmoid

Marco Martin notmart at
Sat Dec 17 09:37:09 UTC 2011

On Saturday 17 December 2011, Antonis Tsiapaliokas wrote:
> Hello
> I am creating a patch, for adding multiple feeds to rssnow (Qml) plasmoid,
> but i have stuck and i need some help.
> The c++ plasmoid is using signals and custom slots to add/remove feeds from
> the plasmoid.
> And here is where i stuck. How exactly can i add a custom "slot" to the
> rssnow (Qml) plasmoid without using c++?

to be able to have multiple feeds, just do the right things in the 
configurationChanged() function (in javascript, main qml file)

to have slots, just implement an onSignal: function 

or if you need to connect to a signal from another item, use the Connections 

Marco Martin

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