KRunner plugin documentation

Sebastian Kügler sebas at
Wed Dec 7 10:32:42 UTC 2011

On Wednesday, December 07, 2011 11:09:30 Andras Mantia wrote:
> Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> > On Wednesday, December 07, 2011 09:55:59 Andras Mantia wrote:
> >>  I like a lot the KRunner plugins, but I find one issue with them: it is
> >>
> >> not documented how you should use them. I discovered some of the
> >> features, but probably not everything. And I see no place in the UI
> >> where the documentation could be plugged in. Every plugin has an Info
> >> button, but that is used only for About and Author.
> >>
> >>  I suggest to add a Help tab there as well that describes the plugin's
> >> usage.
> >
> > Have you tried the [?] button (next to the main input field)? It reveals
> > how to use the plugins.
> Yes (after I wrote the mail :) ), I have two problem with it:
> - it is not readable (partly due to that is is semi-transparent, and that
> is  lists all the plugins, so you have 10+ entries starting with <search
> term>) - it doesn't describe everything, e.g unit converters.
> So I keep my statement that a per-plugin documentation is needed.

Of course it's needed. But to fix your actual problem, we need to think about 
what should be improved in this interface (you give a hint already). I don't 
think a second body of documentation will help.

The text is not semi-transparant on my machine, maybe you're using a different 
theme? It does get faded out at the edges, leading to visibility problems 
though, so the vertical sizing of the match delegates doesn't seem right.

Maybe putting the doc string into the Plugins delegates (and making them big 
enough to hold all the necessary text) would be a good idea? On the one hand, 
we could get rid of the [?] icon in the primary interface, and it seems like a 
more logical place to me at least.

sebas | | GPG Key ID: 9119 0EF9

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