QML widget for the Skrooge plasma dashboard

Guillaume DE BURE guillaume.debure at gmail.com
Sun Dec 4 19:20:21 UTC 2011

Hi there,

As I realize that my C++ skills are so very limited, QML appears like the 
perfect mean to get a nice looking skrooge plasma dashboard.

However, I can't seem to get any data from the skrooge dataengine, and I can't 
figure out what is wrong. This very simple code should display "1" in the 
widget : 


When adding the widget to the dashboard, I get the following message in the 

file:///.../main.qml:36: Unable to assign [undefined] to QString text

That would indicate that there is no source connected, right ? So what did I 
do wrong ?

Could it be linked to the fact that the dataengine, plasma dashboard and 
widgets are all confined inside skrooge (they are not accessible from, for 
example, the desktop) ?

Thanks for any suggestion, 


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