RFC: Remove Opacity from Alt+F3 menu

Eric Mesa ericsbinaryworld at gmail.com
Thu Aug 18 22:51:30 UTC 2011

> > 
> > Personally I don't see a good reason for having the opacity menu at all
> > and I found it kind of techy (look what we can do: isn't that awesome?
> > Translucent Windows!). So convince me to not remove it :-)
> > 
> > Cheers
> > Martin

I use it daily for my Konversation window
Eric Mesa
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"The story goes that I first had the idea for THHGTTG while 
lying drunk in a field in Innsbruck (or `Spain' as the BBC 
TV publicity department authorititively has it, probably 
because it's easier to spell)." - Foreward by DNA. 

FORD 	Six pints of bitter. And quickly please, the 
world's about to
BARMAN	Oh yes, sir? Nice weather for it.
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