Enabling Applet SystemImmutability

Shaun Reich shaun.reich at kdemail.net
Sat Apr 23 22:46:40 CEST 2011

I want my shell's applet to be SystemImmutable, so that the user
cannot drag it around and what not, as well as when widgets are
unlocked by the user, I don't want them to be able to drag this one
around, since this is for kdm.
Calling applet->setImmutability(Plasma::SystemImmutable); has no
affect, and as I see from the code, it specifically returns under that
scenario. The comment at applet.cpp:913 states

"// we do not store system immutability in d->immutability since that gets saved
 // out to the config file; instead, we check with
 // the config group itself for this information at all times. this differs from
 //corona, where SystemImmutability is stored in d->immutability."

I'm not sure what this means...does this mean I have to manually set
the "immutability" to (int)Plasma::SystemImmutable? How can I gain
access to the config and have it take affect? (I've tried
applet->config().writeEntry( <what I just said>) just for kicks, but
that was no good.

Shaun Reich,
KDE Software Developer (kde.org)

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