Adding "Set Wallpaper" Option In Frame Applet

Sinny Kumari ksinny at
Thu Sep 30 08:37:36 CEST 2010


    I want to add "Set Wallpaper" option in Frame Applet. while doing
this, I found one option in directory
trunk/kde/src/KDE/kdelibs/plasma/ in the containment.cpp file which
emits signal and sets the wallpaper when an image is dropped on the
Desktop while image option is selected. That line is

             emit wallpaper->urlDropped(tjob->url());

which is defined in the function

    void ContainmentPrivate::mimeTypeRetrieved(KIO::Job *job, const
QString &mimetype)

and class ContainmentPrivate is in
trunk/kde/src/KDE/kdelibs/plasma/private. I want to implement it in
Frame applet, but, right now I don't know, how can I implement the
same thing in Frame applet which is in kdeplasma-addons/applet/frame.

     So, If anybody have some idea that how it can be done then,
please share with me.


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