libplasma 2

Ivan Cukic ivan.cukic at
Sat Oct 30 20:09:46 CEST 2010

Hi all,

Following Aaron's blog post [1] regarding QML and plasma, and breaking back-compatibility in the future.

So, it is the plan to (well, a necessity more than a plan) make a BIC to libplasma producing libplasma2. Should we take 
the opportunity to fix some mistakes we've made in libplasma1 maybe risking some source-incompatibilities as well?

If yes, what do you think about creating a wiki dump page with the stuff we'd like to rethink / change?

It could be in the format:
   IDEA: Blah blah
   Summary: Blah blah blah
   Link to ML discussion: mailman/something/something

(since wikis suck for discussions, we could do it here - one thread per idea - and use wiki as an index of items)



There is a better way of life and it's not so hard to find
If you live and let the people in your world speak its mind
    -- Deep Purple

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