Plasma::PopupApplet improvements

Marco Martin notmart at
Tue Oct 5 15:54:54 CEST 2010

On Tuesday 05 October 2010, Ivan Cukic wrote:
> Hi all,
> There are a few things I wanted to ask your for opinions before
> implementing them:
> 1. bool isIconified() const
> Introducing this method that would return whether the applet is shown full,
> or just as an icon.

agree on that, since ended up not depending -only- from the formfactor

> 2. void setPopupText(const QString & text) and QString popupText() const
> This one I'm unsure about whether it is really needed - it would show an
> icon beside the text when the applet is in the iconified state.

i don't think i see an use case for this (also because i don't think would 
look so pretty)
but yeah, provided a stong enough use case it could be retought

> 3. Popup size remembering
> This is something we have been missing for quite some time now.

it's supposed to work.. or is it broken again?

Marco Martin

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