PMC use case

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Tue Mar 30 17:57:36 CEST 2010

On March 30, 2010, Shantanu Tushar Jha wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 8:51 PM, Sebastian Kügler <sebas at> wrote:
> > The thing can run on a conventional notebook, or netbook, or whatever
> > hardware you want it to, the important things when using a TV as output
> > device are:
> > 
> > - input: mice don't work so well, pointer-based devices in general have
> > problems (hard to point at exactly the right thing)
> > - UI element sizes: a laptop screen allows for much more fidelity than a
> > TV screen, you can simply fit more elements on a screen you're looking
> > at closely (it's also related to input size)

the TV is a great thought exercise in that it really highlights the 
limitations we need to cater to.

however, i think that viewing media on my laptop (or netbook if i so desire) 
is really the exact same experience. or at least it should be :) if we think 
about the experience rather than the hardware it becomes evident that it as a 
largely passive, highly casual, turn-it-on-and-dive-in-instantly experience. 
when my laptop is used as a TV it doesn't matter if it is physically plugged 
into a TV size screen, the interaction expectations are the same.

and so the need to use a mouse with high fidelity should be near zero. ditto 
for the keyboard.

> > Now it might turn out that buttons on an N900 screen can have just the
> > same size in pixels as on a fullHD TV screen, but it's not a given so we
> > need rather large elements as well. Ow, and people might not have a
> > keyboard connected or easily reachable.
> Yes, so we'll try to keep the number of different input combinations
> (which translate to keys for a keyboard, arrow buttons for a remote
> control). As far as the Wiimote is considered, I think Alessandro has
> one and can give it a shot.

just don't rely on gesture based remotes, not yet anyways. support for them 
will be awesome, but we need to allow for simplified access.

LinuxMCE, btw, is highly gesture oriented with the tilt-this-way-or-that-
scrolls-values (volume, play lists, position in a media file, etc) and it 
works well. but it also means you really need one of those remotes to enjoy it 

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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