On Plasmate's previewer

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Tue Mar 23 18:08:55 CET 2010

On March 20, 2010, Yuen Hoe Lim wrote:
> Hmmm, so I've been looking at the runner-related classes in Plasma::. Is it
> possible at the moment to load (say make an AbstractRunner out of) a
> scripted runner without installing it, a'la Applet::loadPlasmoid for
> applets? I can't seem to find a way to do this in the API docs, nor can I
> find an existing example of something like that....

this should work for installed runners:

QStringList runners;
runners << targetRunner;
Plasma::RunnerManager *manager = new Plasma::RunnerManager(parent);

but for non-installed runners, there is indeed no recourse using 

to make matters more complex, AbstractRunner's ctor is protected (since one is 
supposed to use RunnerManager rather than messing about with runners 

i think we will have to extend RunnerManager's API in some way. perhaps 
something like:

Plasma::RunnerManager *manager = new Plasma::RunnerManager(parent);
manager->setAllowedRunners(QStringList()); // deny all runners!

in this model, Plasma::RunnerManager::addRunner would have two versions: one 
that takes a KService and expects it to be installed and one that takes a path 
to a package and behaves like Applet::loadPlasmoid.

this will require a small adjustment in AbstractRunner as well: it currently 
creates that ScriptEngine in the AbstractRunnerPrivate constructor which 
assumes it to be an installed plugin.

so AbstractRunner needs a new constructor which takes a path (just like the 
Applet ctor used from loadPlasmoid) and adjust AbstractRunnerPrivate to work 
in both cases.

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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