netbook reference, the polishing details

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Fri Mar 19 21:04:23 CET 2010

On March 19, 2010, Artur Souza wrote:
> ----- Original message -----
> > On Friday 19 March 2010, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> > > * one of P's first questions when using SAL was "how do add new
> > > application?" if there wasn't an "Add Widgets" button there, could
> > > there be an "Add Applications" that launches KPackageKit?
> Add applications in the sense of installing or in the sense of having them
> in the 'menu'? If its the latest then we have a usability problem, as I

finding them was no problem at all. the only weakpoint is our app's keywords 
suck. gwenview really ought to have "photo", "picture", etc in the keywords, 
for instance.

> I feel personally responsible for SAL's concept so Im really interested in
> P's feedback/how he reacted to it....

to put it simply: he got it instantly.

his only question was "what is a 'query'?" that might be a bit of jargon we 
could get rid of or change the text of. Maybe just even "Search..." as the 
click text? in any case, most people with a reasonable grasp of the language 
will know what it means. from there he experimented with app names, clicking 
through the presets (both top and bottom), adding things to the top bar, etc. 
i really didn't have to explain it.

i think we also may still want a link somewhere to "all the things i can do 
with this thing"; an embedded help page. plasma-netbook's answer, perhaps, to 
the "welcome plasmoid"

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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