4.5 - Activities

Ivan Čukić ivan.cukic at gmail.com
Thu Mar 11 00:20:43 CET 2010

> there's also a penalty for keeping the cache in sync across multiple
> clients.
> the other concern is memory usage due to having that cache around ...

The cache is in the kded service - so no need to sync anything. Or I 
misunderstood you? So the memory overhead is not big at all.

> i'd really suggest keeping in mind how a cache can be implemented, ensure
> the API doesn't prevent that, and then implement the "naive" approach
> first and measure it from there.

Well. this change can be trivial - comment out the QHash that stores the info. 
But I still don't think it is a good idea - even when there is only 1 second 
per query, it would be slow - just imagine now that switching virtual desktops 
has a > 1 second lag.

While you were hanging yourself on someone else's words
Dying to believe in what you heard
I was staring straight into the shining sun
    -- Pink Floyd

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