4.5 - Activities
Aaron J. Seigo
aseigo at kde.org
Wed Mar 10 19:41:19 CET 2010
On March 10, 2010, Marco Martin wrote:
> or, plasmaoidviewer -c yourcontainment, then drop some applets in it and
> resize as you please ;)
not the best fit for this imho. here's why:
* no Add Widgets interface (which could be added to a test app with a dozen or
so lines of code; see how it is done in the dashboard for instance)
* having a row of buttons at the top that jump between different resolutions
is a much more realistic simulation of screen resolution changes (ok, this can
be faked using geometry resize calls to plasmoidviewer via x as well)
* plasmoidviewer has some geometry management stuff that really gets in the
way of this kind of testing
personally, i'd take plasmoidviewer, strip out all the options and the
geometry management bits, add Add Widgets and a toolbar with screen resolution
buttons :)
Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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