Activities protocol

Sebastian Trüg trueg at
Wed Jul 14 12:18:31 CEST 2010

On 07/13/2010 04:04 PM, Marco Martin wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 3:55 PM, Ivan Čukić <ivan.cukic at> wrote:
>> On 13 July 2010 15:45, Marco Martin <notmart at> wrote:
>>> it must be done indeed.
>>> but is it possible to automatically unlink it as well when the window
>>> is detached from the activity?
>> Yes, but that would be undesired - if you open a file from an
>> activity, it belongs to it. (and possibly other activities as well)
>> The window containing the document, on the other side, gets
>> unassociated when it doesn't hold the doc in question anymore.
> ok,
> but there should really be a mechanism to change the activities
> associated with an already opened document somehow.
> coupling it with the activities associated with the window that holds
> the document could be a good way

As mentioned already on nepomuk at, I think the activity relation
needs to go into the event itself, not the file. That way we have an
indirect relation between file and activity without forcing anything on
the user. We can later use that relation in whatever way we want while
keeping the file itself clean of any automatically added data.


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