definitions and package for plasma on meego

Martin Gräßlin kde at
Tue Jul 13 22:35:45 CEST 2010

On Tuesday 13 July 2010 22:09:39 Marco Martin wrote:
> i fear the time is really tight and we should have stuff ready "for
> yesterday" something that we really need is a set of meego packages of
> 4.5, or the current trunk, or whatever.
> i don't have any knowledge whatsoever about packaging, but is the biggest
> thing -everyone- interested in it is asking
MeeGo uses the openSUSE build service, doesn't it? So can't we ask our experts 
from openSUSE for help? Their release is the day after tomorrow so they should 
have time again :-)

And yes please document the steps for setting up kdelibs and base - I don't 
want to fight through that - there are better ways to spent the spare time.
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