Displaying icon on panel in Python

Barış Akkurt dbarisakkurt at gmail.com
Tue Jul 13 15:13:22 CEST 2010

Hi everyone,

I am creating a plasmoid that controls the firewall (iptables) in Python. It
has almost finished except one thing. I want my plasmoid to be transform
into an icon, if i drag it to panel. I know how to do this in C++. I must
inherit from Plasma::PopupApplet instead of Plasma::Applet but i need to
learn how to do it in Python and i have no idea. Unfortunately, i couldn't
find any Python example here:
http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdebinding/python/ There is a plasmoid
written in Python here:
http://svn.pardus.org.tr/uludag/trunk/kde/service-manager/plasmoid/ But the
technique used in it is old.
In addition to this, if anyone explains how to display a popupwindow when
someone left clicks the plasmoid when it is on panel, i will be grateful. I
also promise to write a document that expresses building a plasmoid and
making it an icon on panel, after i understand the concept.

Thanks, in advance.
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