Bug 166914: per activity task discussion

Luca Beltrame einar at heavensinferno.net
Mon Jul 12 22:20:04 CEST 2010


I'm posting this question mostly with my forum admin hat on, as when 4.5 will 
be released we'll likely get questions on this behavior.

Right now, if applications are moved to another activity, they remain in the 
task manager. Clicking on them will switch to the task and to the relevant 
activity. There has been discussion in the BR mentioned in the subject of 
hiding the task instead unless it's in the same activity.

Now, since we're late in the release cycle, would it be better to keep the 
existing system or move to the "hidden unless on current activity" mode? And 
would this make sense just for 4.6 instead?

Personally I prefer the latter approach (hidden) but I am not pushing for 
anything. I would just like to know an official stance so I can answer 
questions on the forums when they arise.


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