[GSoC]: DataEngine queries in JavaScript

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Sat Jul 10 10:59:37 CEST 2010

On July 8, 2010, Hayri Bakici wrote:
> > is this something that belongs more in a DataEngine, or in a Service?
> > consider
> > whether the results will be useful to more than one visualization,
> > whether a
> > visualization will want to change the query often (versus them being
> > long- lived), etc..
> so, what do you suggest then? :)

my suggestion was to consider the above points, formulate answers for them and 
decide whether putting large queries into the source name is the desired 

also think about the resulting code. with queries in the data engine source 
names, strings will be pasted together and then parsed again. with a service, 
this wouldn't be necessary: the service would be used to retrieve the 
operationDescription, values set on it and a job started for that operation.

probably the biggest downside, and a deal breaker, for doing this as a service 
is that there is no scripting support for services right now. that could be 
fixed, probably, and added to the Javascript DataEngine support.

that could lead to an alternate mechanism where the DataEngine lists each 
backend as a source (perhaps putting some information about the bakend as the 
data), and the user of the engine could request serviceForSource, returning a 
service which can be used to query the service.

it seems like a slightly more natural approach to the problem to me, but i may 
not have all the information on the problem space. which is why i asked :)

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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KDE core developer sponsored by Qt Development Frameworks
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