Idea: Window management for 4.5

Marco Martin notmart at
Sat Jan 30 11:25:29 CET 2010

On 1/30/10, Emdek <emdeck at> wrote:
> On 29-01-2010 at 19:30:48 Jonathan Schmidt-Dominé - Developer
>  <devel at> wrote:
>  > Comments? Suggestions? Ideas?
>  I'm working on similar thing for my Fancy Tasks applet.
>  Currently it supports connecting jobs to application icon, but currently
>  I'm working on own library for task management (currently paused, I'm
>  working on my thesis) that will allow for (optional) connecting
>  notifications and maybe also menus from systray (depends what is available
>  in new systray spec).

This is actually one of the goals of the new systray spec.
icons are categorized, so while entries about hardware status really
belong to a special area, most of them are just application status, so
really belong to the taskbar.
the WId of the main window is exposed over DBus, so should be easy to
hook them to the proper task entry.

personally i don't think i'll have time in the 4.5 timeframe, not
sure. but iif somebody is willing to take the burden i would be happy
to mentor him

Marco Martin

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