notifications, again :D

Marco Martin notmart at
Wed Jan 27 18:12:22 CET 2010

On Wednesday 27 January 2010, Diego Moya wrote:
> 2010/1/27 Marco Martin wrote:
> > the thing i did start to implement was funningly enough almost the same,
> > only
> Proof that local optima do exist for good designs, given the same
> constraints! :-)

eheh :)

> > thing, i still think the new ones should be piled in front of old ones,
> > not behind
> In what order do you remove them? Piling new ones at the back allows
> for alerts to be seen in arrival order. Piling them on the top creates
> a FIFO stack, which I'm not sure how to clear up - much less
> automatically with timers.

the policy should be this:
- if a new one arrives check if there is already a notification of the same 
app if it is remove that one
- else remove the oldest
-put the newest notification on top

old one wouldn't be "lost since the stack will be positioned to be enough to 
show the titles of old ones

Marco Martin

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