Imgur API key [was Fwd: KDE project API key]

Nikhil Marathe nsm.nikhil at
Wed Jan 27 05:08:18 CET 2010

Here is what Alan has to say. I am fine with having my email in, but
we could change it to a more official KDE address if required. ( See for context )


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alan Schaaf <alan at>
Date: Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 1:00 AM
Subject: Re: KDE project API key
To: Nikhil Marathe <nsm.nikhil at>

Hey Nikhil,

Thanks for asking about this. I've created a key for the Pastebin Applet:


However, I needed to include a contact email, so I used yours. You'd
only ever get an email if something went terribly wrong or if a major
version of the API has been released. Let me know if you'd like me to
use another email instead.

Also, I'm a pretty big Linux guy, and I'm thrilled to see imgur
integration within KDE :)


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