notifications, again :D
Aaron J. Seigo
aseigo at
Tue Jan 26 19:41:41 CET 2010
On January 26, 2010, Diego Moya wrote:
> Two alerts on screen, on of them is Low Battery - the
> other is a pile of 20 Kopete notes, latest on top.
for when the user specifically calls up the notifications (e.g. by expanding
the popup or by clicking on the (i) icon), this will be great.
for notifications that are auto-popped, it suffers from the issue of showing
all existing notifications when really only the latest one is relevant.
> Simpler than a priority scheduler, ain't it?
my proposal didn't actually have a priority scheduler in it other than
"critical notifications should get precedence", which is likely needed no
matter what we do (stacking vs queueing).
Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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