Installing plasmoid script howto

Anne Wilson annew at
Mon Jan 11 14:44:32 CET 2010

On Monday 11 January 2010 12:55:21 Luca Beltrame wrote:
> In data lunedì 11 gennaio 2010 13:46:57, Petri Damstén ha scritto:
> (CC-ing Anne Wilson, of Userbase fame)
> > ... and it does not work'. Is there a wiki page that would explain how to
> > install plasmoid script using gui (and with plasmapkg) and if not, is
> > right place for such a page?
> I don't think there is already something definite for this, IIRC. And an
> addition to UserBase would be wonderful. If you would like to do so, please
> let me (and annew) know!

I think it would be both sensible and helpful to have such a page, although I 
wouldn't have it actually on the Plasma page.  We did start a page for some of 
our favourite plasmoids, although I haven't had any time to follow that up 
recently (all offers gratefully received :-) ).  I wonder if we could make a 
fairly prominent link from that page to one that gives your detailed 
explanation?  Also, in addition to the categories shared by the Plasma pages, 
I think it needs a new category - for which we have to decide a name.  

I want the new category to be for pages intended for more advanced users.  I 
don't intend them to be at the level normally addressed on techbase, although 
in many cases they would naturally lead towards and link to such a page.  I'd 
welcome suggestions for this new section, both with regard to its name and its 

Please CC me - sorry to trouble you with that, but it isn't really appropriate 
for me to subscribe to this list.

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