Remote Widgets on embedded devices

Marco Martin notmart at
Sat Dec 4 23:46:09 CET 2010

On Saturday 04 December 2010, Jeffery MacEachern wrote:
> I recall there being some talk quite a while ago about work being done
> on remoting plasmoids wirelessly from embedded devices (say, for
> kiosks or appliances).  Aaron said the project was abandoned, but was
> there ever any code or information published related to that?

at the moment remote widgets do work, and any device with a working libplasma 
can run and export them.
what was not continued (at least on hold for now) is a lightweight server to 
export widgets from a device too small to run plasma, but if someone would 
implement a server with the proper protocol, any plasma shell would work just 
fine as a client.

Marco Martin

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