New runner: Global shortcuts

Eduardo Robles Elvira edulix at
Mon Apr 19 23:02:41 CEST 2010

On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 10:46 PM, Eduardo Robles Elvira
<edulix at> wrote:
> Nice!
> In return, I just committed a first version of the globalshortcuts
> runner in playground/base/plasma/runners/globalshortcuts ;-)
> Regards,
>    Eduardo Robles Elvira.

Hello again!

I'm proud to announce a new runner available in playground, which
search and activates global shortcuts. This  runners has some
"conflicts" with other runners (same action gotten from another
runner), for example now if I type "log out", I get three matches:
"Log out" (from globalshortcuts), "Log Out" (duplicated, from another
runner), and "log out without confirmation". What could we do about
this? I remember that we've confronted the same problem before.

It shows as text the shortcut friendly name, and as subtext the
shortcuts available and the component friendly name. It would be nice
if global shortcuts could have a dbus-accesible icon that could be
shown as the display icon in th querymatches, but that doesn't seem
the case at the moment. That little thing would make this runner a lot
more user-friendly, I believe.

Also, I just had the idea of adding a configure widget for the
globalshortcuts matches that will directly configure the global
shortcut directly from krunner; my workflow with globalshortcuts could
notably improve with that. Example: alt+f2 "contact list" > change

The runner as you see is not finished. At the moment it loads all the
global shortcuts when it's started, which might not get updated. I'll
test querying the shortcuts directly from dbus to see if it's fast
enough (which should be) and probably change to that behaviour.

    Eduardo Robles Elvira.

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