Regarding GSoC Plasmoid data caching project

Brian Pritchett batenkaitos at
Fri Apr 9 07:01:01 CEST 2010

On Tuesday 30 March 2010 02:13:58 am shruti jain wrote:
> Hello everyone !
> I am a final year student of computer science. I intend to contribute to
> plasma and see GSoC 2010 as a good starting point for that. I have
> participated in GSoC 2009 as well. I am proficient in C/C++ and network
> programming as well. I have also been the system administrator of my
> university.
> I am interested in Plasmoid data caching project. I am doing research on
> speculative execution at my university. It has a similar concept of
> starting execution on cached data while the most recent copy of data is
> not available from the server and avoid downloading from server if the
> data has not changed since it was cached.
> Presently, plasmoids such as news etc do not show anything when Plasma
> netbooks are disconnected from the network. The idea is to use the cached
> data when network is not available and refresh when network is available.
> I think that the project can be extended to incorporate collaborative
> caching as well. Even if the network is present, we can take the data from
> caches of other clients on the network. This reduces the load on the server
> from where the data(like news) is being fetched. This also fetches a more
> recent data in case of proxy failures.
> Please send me your comments on the idea and any suggestions to improve the
> same.
> Thank You.
> Best Regards,
> Shruti

Hi, I'm Brian Pritchett. I thought I'd introduce myself in this thread because 
I'm also interested in this project. :)

I'm currently in my last year of study of computer science at Southern 
Illinois University Edwardsville. Over the past year and a half I've been 
working with a citizen science project called GalaxyZoo that allows anyone to 
log onto and help astronomers to classify galaxies. This has 
lead to interesting original research and the idea of the project is 
expanding. I'm currently write software that is doing wavelet analysis on the 
usage data of GalaxyZoo.

I wish you the best of luck Shruti!

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