Dot article on activities needed, maybe more?

Chani chanika at
Wed Apr 7 21:38:32 CEST 2010

since I'm currently thinking about everything *except* my midterm, here's a 
few notes on activities from a "what happened at tokamak" perspective.

-I met with kwin people to talk about how to show only the relevant windows
-me, ivan, kwin people and some other people discussed and figured out an API 
for programs to ask about and control activities (this was one of the two big 
activities meetings).
-me and lubos talked about session management stuff (and then I spent a fair 
bit of time alone with a whiteboard, figuring out what I actually *wanted* from 
sessions). I still haven't had time to check whether my theories can work, 
though; that's 4.6+ stuff.
-we presented the activity API to the rest of tokamak, discussed and improved 
-aaron and me and... design guy from the other side of canada... and probably 
some other people discussed the plasma activity-manager UI and drew mockups 
-ivan did some hacking on the API
-I started hacking on the UI

there are blog posts from both me and ivan about activities, too.

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