GSoC 2010 proposal

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Tue Apr 6 19:52:35 CEST 2010

On April 6, 2010, sarath krishna wrote:
> Hi
>    I would like to work on 'Grid and grouping containments' for GSoC 2010.
> My proposal is here:
> rathkrishna/t127050766223

it looks pretty good already.

the two open questions here for me are:

* is an "arrange in a grid" feature more or less useful than making it easy to 
"snap" widgets during resize and move to the edges of other widgets? arranging 
widgets in a grid for the user will lead to interesting and possibly 
intractible challenges like "how wide/tall should the colums/rows be?"

* right now each containment implements its own layout strategy and that's 
actually quite useful (c.f. newspaper vs panel vs desktop). however, in some 
cases (desktop and folderview) it would be nice to share layout strategies. 
this might be a nice addition.

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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