Nepomuk+Plasma review

Ivan Čukić ivan.cukic at
Wed Sep 23 20:04:38 CEST 2009

Hi all,

Here is the preview of the nepomuk activities for plasma started at T3.

This is not in any sense a final version, that is, it will need a lot more 
testing (with nepomuk both enabled and disabled). Currently, I'm hunting a few 
bugs left related to activity storing.

The good thing is that, at least for me, it doesn't break any current 
functionality of plasma (no more displaying the UUIDs as names of the activity 
on the desktop and in the menus).

The point of this mail is to post the changes for a very early API review. 
Some things needed to be deprecated in Context, a new singleton class 
(GlobalContext) for managing all the activities so that Context doesn't have a 
lot static methods with weird names since the current methods can't be 

The other reason for creating GlobalContext instead of adding static methods 
to Context is that I needed it to have signals...

The nepomuk service is currently located here:

It is also ready for a review and possible moving to kdereview and 
kdebase/workspace (only the server part for the time being)

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