'Next wallpaper' functionality for image plugin?

Yuen Hoe Lim yuenhoe86 at gmail.com
Sun Oct 11 14:58:14 CEST 2009

Hi Chani,

Thanks for the help! That helped to clear up a lot :)

then, there are two ways you could do this:
> 1) create QList<QAction*> Containment::contextualActions() and have it
> return
> wallpaper()->contextualActions() by default and edit every
> desktop-containment
> plasmoid (desktop and folderview at least) to add wallpaper()-
> >contextualActions() to its own contextualActions (assuming the function
> already exists there).
> 2) edit the contextmenu mouse plugin to add containment()->wallpaper()-
> >contextualActions() to its actions the same way it adds containment()-
> >contextualActions().

Think I'll go with option 2. Don't think plasmoids should or need to care
about its containment's wallpaper.

and of course, either way the contextualActions function has to be added to
> Wallpaper too... er, except it can't be virtual because that's BIC, damnit.
> so
> you'll have to find a more creative way of letting wallpaper plugins
> specify

I didn't understand that (what's BIC?) but yeah, sure enough plasma crashed
on me when I tried to add Wallpaper::contextualActions and make it virtual
=( I managed to work around it (satisfactorily I hope), but could you
explain what's going on anyway (what's wrong with making it virtual?), so
that I can become less puzzled :)

Anyway, I think I have managed to cook up something reasonably presentable.
Now to clean up and figure out how to ask for review (yeah, this is my first
attempt at a commit outside playground :D )

Jason "moofang" Lim Yuen Hoe
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